Monday, December 8, 2008

Faerie Tale Theater

When I was about 6 years old, my mother introduced me to this television series that retells the fairytales that we read in class, not the disney versions that are "sachrine". It is most definitely worth checking out, mainly because it is beautifully made and many popular and well known actors and actresses are involved with Shelley Duvall's retellings.

Some of my all time favorites are of course The Little Mermaid and thanks to Jessi mentioning it in class a while back, she helped me remember this fantastic series. I also am obsessed with The Twelve Dancing Princesses mainly because I wanted to walk through the portal they do and cross the lake to dance the night away as a young aspiring ballerina. Well, I left ballet school because of the horrid instructor but I can still go dance with them whenever I want thanks to the stories, the movies, and my imagination.

Here is a link to a youtube video of the first scene in The Little Mermaid:

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